I'm not voting. I refuse to feed the beast that's literally destroying lives.

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What do you think of that Brad?

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Does attendance a Catholic schools shooting make me a vet of some sort?

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Are you helping the real folks with problems or jus being a jerk off?

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I’m a school shooting survivor ,ever met one?

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I got booted off X for upsetting Musky , so sad even if LA is burnt down . Never mind that

I’m important too

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No one can know the full truth or reality of the integrity of voting. If anyone thinks Trump is the be all end all do not understand he is quite human with human frailties and we must all take responsibility for our own lives independent of a cult like following or “savior” complex. However, practically speaking “too big to rig” could be a real thing, Trump represents less government, less regulations, peace through strength, law and order, sovereignty from becoming a global blob, etc. etc. Whether this is another Psyop operation or not, the alternative is sure to bring us closer to a global totalitarian takeover, where we really do have puppets not leaders, rulers not representatives, submission to abuse not freedoms. Again, speaking from a practical stand point, when a country falls into complete Totalitarian control, and all future emergence of leadership is quickly squashed, the chokehold of totalitarianism can last for decades. China, North Korea, Iran, etc. We were almost there, even with many feeling confident Trump would win, if they were being honest, they were holding their breath hoping we weren’t already in a Totalitarian chokehold. So we can debate till the sacrificial cows come home, we can go on and on about everything being controlled, we can speculate ad nauseam about God, Jesus, End Times, etc. but in the end, giving up a vote is tantamount to giving up. Feeling proud that a high percentage of UK voters didn’t vote is ridiculous as UK is falling more and more into the hands of Totalitarian control. They are in their last gasp and if they don’t get behind a leader that represents their freedoms, there won’t be any leaders to get behind as those that are left will win and will be laughing all the way to “Parliament” where a chokehold will be felt by everyone. I just finished listening to you and the Doc’s podcast and found it very very interesting, but not very very convincing, even though I agree with most of you and the Doc’s concerns.

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Be that , Political Parties , Governments & Opposition , Who do not fear , Its Citizens demand for change , Via The Democratic Voting Process , Paradise Lost ! , Indeed Perfidious Dreams , Defunded Liberty , A Wake Up Call , People , We are One or Nothing at All , Humanity's ability to hold on to each others hands , As never been so infused , YNWA

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini

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Excellent piece! Thank you for your thoughts (with which I fully agree). I would also echo FDR: “presidents are selected not elected”. 😊

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Spot on Brad, great article.

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Hi Brad. Hope you are well This was a Very thoughtful and balanced article giving all points of view in a realistic way that I enjoyed reading. Thankyou. Here's another point of view you might find interesting? It’s why I, personally , don’t vote for the reasons set out in this article. Millions of likeminded people in every country in the world feel the same and are reaping the benefits already from that decision. The article is taken from :


Which Leader Will You Choose?—What Does the Bible Say?


People are making important decisions about which leaders they will choose.

What does the Bible say?

Human leaders are limited

The Bible identifies a limitation that all human leaders have.

“Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation. His breath goes out, he returns to the ground; on that very day his thoughts perish.”—Psalm 146:3, 4, footnote.

Even the most capable leaders will eventually die. Furthermore, they cannot guarantee that any of their good works will be continued by those who come after them.—Ecclesiastes 2:18, 19.

The fact is, the Bible reveals that humans were never meant to govern themselves.

“It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”—Jeremiah 10:23.

Is there anyone who can provide good leadership today?

A leader approved by God

The Bible explains that God has appointed a most capable and trustworthy leader: Jesus Christ. (Psalm 2:6) Jesus is the King of God’s Kingdom, a government that rules from heaven.—Matthew 6:10.

Will you choose to accept Jesus’ leadership? The Bible highlights the significance of that choice:

“Honor the son [Jesus Christ], or God will become indignant and you will perish from the way, for His anger flares up quickly. Happy are all those taking refuge in Him.”—Psalm 2:12.

Now is the time to make your decision. Bible prophecy reveals that Jesus began ruling in the year 1914 and that soon God’s Kingdom will replace all human governments.—Daniel 2:44.

To learn more about how you can support Jesus’ leadership, read the article “Choose to Support God’s Kingdom Now!” (Found on the above website for anyone interested )

Thanks. Love to all whatever their choices.


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