UTTERLY criminal what is going on. My heart goes out to Karolina and all others affected by this countermeasure bioweapon. If it isn't jabs affecting us it is the crap they are dropping from the skies daily that we are breathing and ingesting and now the food supply. Each day gets harder and harder for so many. I have faith that God will win in the end, but at what cost. Thanks for another great Substack Brad. Your literary online course looks very good, I only wish I had more time. Blessings

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May she find healing. Unfortunately I have come upon numerous testimonies of jab injuries. This is not so rare. Here is one from an event in Minnesota in 2022:

From the censored and shadow-banned April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.



JAN DAHLSTROM: Hi everyone and thank you so much for hearing us and having us here today. My name is Jan Dahlstrom and that's my daughter Shannon. She's 29 and she is, um, she was deployed over in Kuwait as a supply staff seargent and was in the best shape of her life. She was running 5Ks every week, she was doing cross-fit, great pictures we would receive from her being active. Her mind set was very positive, she loved serving our country, loved being over there. Her mind was in a good place. She was happy to be serving.

In May of 2021 she had her covid vaccine over there. In June and July she had some mild symptoms, but in August, as she would say, sh*t hit the fan. Full body tremors, tingling, twitching, burning skin, electric shocks running through her entire body constantly, extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, flu-like symptoms, and much more.

In Kuwait she had visits to the ER, to the emergency room, yeah, to the hospital, she had blood tests, MRI, CAT scans. All results were normal. She was told she had some anxiety. All she could do was lay in bed.

I remember one phone call with her and she said one doctor in the hospital or something mention Guillain Barré syndrome, and that sent my spidey senses kind of like, what? I'd heard about that related to a vaccine, so that made me worried and I told her to not rule out the possibility that it could be all her onset of these weird issues could be a result of the vaccine, of her shot.

The army sent her home. I can't fully begin to describe and understand [begins to cry] and tell you the pain and emotions of her having to leave her unit and army family to return home in pain, despair, grief, and deep sadness.

She was back in Minnesota in late October. We went to her home, where she lives in Little Falls, where she saw her primary care doctor who sent her, he did all these tests, he sent her to his coworker. He was stumped. So then we got the referral to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. In the meantime she also had to find a new primary care doctor, too.

Uh! So we were doing some research, we had a lot of time, we didn't get the appointment to Mayo for months out. While we were at her house in St. Cloud she had EMT visits because she thought she was dying, we had ER, we went to the ER, different things, and just had to sit still and hang on.

We were doing some researching and we found that several thousands of people were in the same boat and having the same symptoms as she did, so we weren't alone. And more and more all started lining up together.

We were advised not to mention what we suspected as a vaccine injury to the Mayo Clinic because they were denying people in the group. They weren't seeing them. So we didn't mention that while we went.

The appointment was months away. She found her new primary care doctor. I couldn't stand to watch her in this pain months and month. So in the city here she saw immunology, neurology, rheumatology lots of testings. Then at the Mayo Clinic she was seen by neurology, rheumatology, cardiology, internal medicine. Her diagnosis is central sensitization syndrome, POTS,* and small fiber neuropathy.

She's been living with us at our house in Champlin. She is unable to live on her own, she has a 4 year-old daughter she can't care for. Caring for her and taking her to all these appointments has become my full-time job. My sister Cher would come quite often and help us out, she's from Wisconsin and she helped to try to figure out how we could help her how we could help her symptoms because every day we heard her say, I feel like there's sand in my blood and I feel every day like I'm dying, like I'm being poisoned.

She fears the unknown with her health, her military career, her child, her finances, her house, and all the rest. My sister, like I said, has came to help us very often which I'm so indebted. After 7 months of very bad suffering and trying some alternative treatments some of her symptoms are starting to improve.

I believe it would help all of humanity if we figure out why this devastating thing is happening to so many people, to prevent future suffering and the deaths. Shannon spent thousands of her own money looking for relief and answers. The vaccine injured must be heard and they need your help. Thank you for hearing them.




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*POTS is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. See:


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Yeah, unfortunately these types of cases seem to be on the rise.

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Another one:

‘The People’s Testaments’ Episode 44: Active Duty Air Force Major Suffers Injury After Coerced Vaccination

July 19, 2022

Major Tony McCartney





STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: Did you want to volunteer to take the vaccine when it first became available?

TONY MCCARTNEY: I didn't because I had already contracted covid in December of 2020, so I already had natural immunity. I was reading some really interesting studies about natural immunity, its durability, and its validity, like it has been with so many other diseases. So it was really confusing to me that they were still encouraging people who already had natural immunity from fighting the actual virus to go get the vaccine.

And then I started hearing some rumors about issues, especially with young athletic males, with myocarditis and pericarditis, and I found that concerning. And then a family member of mine, a brother actually, ended up getting two shots of Moderna and nearly fainted in the hours following, had full-body convulsions for 24 hours, and then also had a pounding heart that was uncomfortable bordering on painful. So I found that pretty concerning.

And that really pushed my decision towards, this is all risk and no benefit, as somebody who is already naturally immune, I don't want to get the covid vaccine.

STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: Seems like a pretty sound decision to make based on the information that you had. What ultimately made you decide to take the vaccine? The injection, I should call it.

TONY MCCARTNEY: So, it's interesting because initially my Air Force leadership had agreed to allow me to separate sooner, I already had established an separation date in place, I'd already decided that I wanted to separate from the Air Force in early 2021 and I had set a separation date for March of this year. My leadership had agreed that that was fine and that they could support me separating prior to the 1 November deadline for the Air Force. However, that made its way up to our commanding general level, four star level, and he did not agree with that course of action. So instead I was issued a letter of reprimand and I was also immediately ordered to get the vaccine that day, directly from the general.

[SCREEN SHOWS THE SEPT 24, 2021 LETTER FROM THE COMMANDER, JOINT BASE LANGLY-EUSTIS VA, "MEMORANDUM FOR MAJOR ANTONIO B. MCCARTNEY SUBJECT: ORDER TO RECEIVE MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINE" WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT HIGHLIGHTED: "Upon receipt of this letter, you will immediately report to the 633 MDG to receive your first vaccination dose and then, by close of business the same day, provide proof to ACC/CCQ of your first vaccination" and also, further down in the same letter, highlighted text: "Additionally, failure to comply with any part of this order may result in adverse administrative and/or punitive action to include nonjudicial punishment"]

STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: Wow. And what was your initial response when that happened?

TONY MCCARTNEY: Well, my initial response was that it was kind of crazy and to me ridiculous. You know, I was, it was basically, I had to do another risk assessment. Like I said before, all risk, no benefit as someone who is naturally immune. Well now, at this time, because it's very early on there's even greater risks because there was a threat up to dishonorable discharge.

[SCREEN SHOWS LETTER WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT HIGHLIGHTED: "You subsequently refused your initial vaccination and willfully failed to comply with a lawful order." "You are hereby counseled!" "Your conduct is unacceptable and further deviation may result in more severe administrative action or non-judicial punishment"]

Because there wasn't any legislation that had come down, it was too slow to come down to stop those kinds of threats from happening early on. So that was what I was facing was, now I've either got to risk my health or I've got to risk, you know, becoming the equivalent of a felon.

A dishonorable discharge carries penalties equivalent to being a felon on the record. That changed my risk calculus a bit, and so, you know, I talked about it with some people close to me and came to the conclusion, OK, probably the best thing for me to do now is get these vaccines and get out of the Air Force so that I can't be coerced into doing these kinds of things that I don't want to do.

STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: And did you try to submit a medical or religious exemption, because I know many people have and they were denied. Did you have that experience as well?

TONY MCCARTNEY: Yes. So almost a month prior to the date that I was ordered, I had started the process of a medical exemption because, specifically because I was concerned about heart issues, just because I'd had a couple experiences in the past where I had some chest pain during periods of time when I was doing a lot of heavy cardio, like during rest and recovery periods sometimes I would feel discomfort there and had been medically analyzed in the past for that. So I pursued a medical waiver for that purpose, and of course it was denied because virtually all medical waivers are denied by the Air Force and by the DOD at large, as I'm sure you're aware.

[SCREEN SHOWS LETTER DENYING MEDICAL EXEMPTION with this text highlighted: "At this time, the member DOES NOT MEET criteria for a medical temporary exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine"]

STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: Yeah, I've heard. And you actually found a doctor that was willing to write a medical exemption for you?

TONY MCCARTNEY: No. The process was, they would have a doctor that would listen to your rationale for why you want to pursue medical exemption, and then it was denied. In every case that I'm aware of.

STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: Yeah, that's pretty much been my experience as well, speaking to a lot of different members of the military, there is virtually no exemptions is what I've been told, so it's not surprising to me.

So you decide you're going to take this injection even though everything inside of you is saying that this is not something that you want or need. So you go to get the injection. Is there an informed consent conversation? Like, did anyone go over the health risks associated with this injection and what you might possibly be dealing with as a result of making this decision?

TONY MCCARTNEY: No. And at the time I don't believe the packet for Pfizer even existed yet where they enumerate the different risks associated with their vaccine, so that didn't occur, and in fact, the waiver form that they wanted me to sign, it was actually prepopulated and said in there that, you know, I've been briefed, I don't have any concerns. So I told them that I did have concerns, that I didn't want to receive this vaccine, I'm not doing it of my own volition, it's because I'm being directly ordered by a four star general and that's the only reason I'm getting it. So I actually detailed that as a note, handwritten note on the piece of paper, before I signed it.

STEPHANIE LOCRICCHO: And what was the response when you said this to them? Did they assure you that the vaccine is safe, and that everything will be fine, did they validate any of your concerns?

TONY MCCARTNEY: Actually, to the contrary. It's kind of interesting. So the people that administer vaccines on most military installations are usually more junior enlisted individuals, and one of them confided in me that they didn't really want to get the vaccine either, but they were also forced to get it, of course, like everyone was. So, I mean, that wasn't uncommon, you know, this wasn't something that young healthy people in the military were jumping at the opportunity to get, for at least a large percentage of service members that I encountered.


... continued...

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[Post-injection Tony McCartney experienced heart inflammation, tinnitus, brain fog, myalgia, bruising and a host of other symptoms]



TONY MCCARTNEY: Well, you know, I'm thankful that I got the opportunity to talk to you. What I've been observing is a lot of people on active duty are scared to share their stories, sometimes even amongst each other, because they're afraid of being labeled an anti-vaxxer or any kind of repercussions that could come their way. And speaking out publicly is a bridge too far for a lot of people on active duty right now because they're afraid of the reprisal that will come from their leadership if they do that.

So I'm in a little bit of a unique position because I'm recently separated, I no longer fall under those same authorities. So a big part of why I agreed to talk to you is to try to speak on their behalf because there are a lot of military members, and different vaccine-injured groups that I've been a part of, and also people that have religious reasons still fighting to not be forced against their will to get these vaccines. So you know, I'd like, I'm trying to speak out on their behalf as well and help everyone recognize that there are a lot of people that have gone through what I've gone through, there are a lot that have gone through much worse than what I've gone through. And there are still people fighting those mandates to this day.


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I could go on posting such transcripts of such testimony all day. Last one:


Interview with Renee in Australia

April 23, 2022

Cafe Locked Out https://cafelockedout.com/


MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: So here we are in [inaudible]. What's your name?

RENEE: My name's Renee.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Now we've heard that you've had an adverse reaction. Why don't you share your story?

RENEE: OK, so, November last year I had my second dose of Pfizer. It was the 22nd of November. And—

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Can I ask first, did you get it because you were scared of covid, or did you get it to keep your job?

RENEE: The latter. Yeah, it wasn't anything to do with covid. And to be honest, I had a lot of hesitancy about getting it, and I felt instinctively that it was going against everything that I believed in. But I did it because, I guess, I felt like my back was against the wall. And I felt forced to do it.

And ironically the first dose that I had, I didn't have any reaction to, so I had this false pretense that it was going to be OK. And the next, that night, I started to feel really ill, dizziness, nausea, disorientation. And then the next morning I felt even worse and I started to not be able to feel the tops of my legs properly. And then I started to get really crushing pain in the middle of my chest, and sensation of heaviness.

So then my friend happened to ring me, and say, are you OK? because she's very aware of everything that's happening. I said, actually I'm not, and she said, I'll come and take you to hospital. She took me to hospital. And when I got admitted pretty much straight away— I thought by going to a private hospital that it would be better, but I was wrong. I got in there and the doctor in ED looked panicked by my symptoms, by what I was telling her, but she wouldn't say what she knew, and she basically said, she took my blood and she said my D-dimers were very high, and she said, you've got a clot in your lungs. And I just looked at her and I was so afraid, I started crying. And I said, what does that mean? And my friend was crying more than me. And she said, well, we need to do a CAT scan and check it. Then I started to get jaw pain, and she said, have you got any history of heart attacks in your family? I said, yes I have. And then she looked more panicked, and she said, well, you know, for your next dose you need to have Panadol and [inaudible] before you take your next booster because your next time will be worse. When you come into hospital next time, it will be worse than this.

I said, how can it be worse than this? And she said, well, that's what you need to expect.

And then I had the CAT scan, it turned out to be OK. But then they wanted to admit me for a couple of nights, and I stayed in there for a couple of nights. And then as each nurse did their handover for their shift, the nurse would say, oh, this is Renee, she's just in here for a bit of dizziness for Pfizer, but she's fine, she's going home. And that was the script that they used for each nurse doing the introduction of me to the next nurse.

And then I had a specialist come in the next day, and he again said, you've had a neurological reaction to this dose. Next time take Moderna, not Pfizer.

And I said, why would I take Moderna? He said, well, you just need to take it.

And I'm like, just, so, I was just dumbfounded by the attitudes.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: There's no option of not taking it.

RENEE: No. There was never any alternative. It was, when you do this next time, this is what you are to expect, and this is what you are to do.

And then I got out of hospital and then afterwards 15 days later I got laryngitis, then I got chest infection. Then I actually got covid in March, after all that. And I was hit really bad by it. I was really, really sick, I ended up with bronchitis, got admitted to hospital, I nearly got pneumonia. This was just in the beginning of March. And just two weeks ago, I got diagnosed with pericarditis.

So that's been my journey since November, it's just been a constant rollercoaster. And I guess, I guess the most frightening thing in all of this is, how complicit people have been that are meant to be professionals that are meant to be putting our health —


RENEE: —as a human being first. That's been a really disturbing eye-opener for me.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: You did it to keep your job in a way? And what's your job?

RENEE: I worked for a company in Perth. And —

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: You worked? So you've lost the job?

RENEE: I haven't lost my job because I've had the two doses. But now they are asking me to get my third dose. And I have the four month exemption for having covid, ironically. So, yeah, but even if I got the exemption for Pfizer they would still insist on me on having a different to the mRNA technology vacc—, I don't call it vaccine. Gene therapies. So, that's it.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: It's insane. It's insane. Thank you.

RENEE: Thank you.



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Incredible article. Very powerful story - thank you for telling it so beautifully.

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Thanks. I really just wanted to continue to bring attention and support to Karolina, but also by extension, being awareness to the fact that there are others out there that may not be getting much support at all.

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Many of the human race has been intentionally injured or worse. As of today my neighbor has been bedridden since Jan 2021, two weeks after her booster. Three close friends had strokes, one died. One turbo breast cancer, she’s almost gone. One died in her bed suddenly, found by her son. One 22 year old just had her eye removed from an aggressive cancer. These are all family members or close friends of mine. Both of my adults kids wouldn’t heed my many warnings and I worry for their health.

Prayers for everyone,

From Oregon

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Thank you for sharing that. I'm sorry to hear that you have lost so many people close to you. I think we need to realize that the effects of the covid op are going to be with us for a long time. Sadly, many of these injuries will continue to manifest themselves over time in at least some of the jabbed population. We have to ensure full accountability for what happened and that it never happens again.

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Pure evil at play! I pray, all those complicit in this crime against humanity, are fully prosecuted at some point! And, if/when the next pandemic ensues- WE ALL REFUSE to comply with every mandate!❤️🇺🇸🙏🏼

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CRIMINAL. INTENTIONAL! The DoD, our govt & govt agencies, Bill Gates & all the other satanic global elites should stand trial for crimes against humanity under Nuremberg 2.0. They have killed millions, world-wide, & have destroyed the lives & careers of tens of thousands of good people. They have absolutely NO remorse, because they are narcissistic, sociopathic psychopaths. They need to PAY for their crimes against humanity.

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