Jul 4Liked by Brad Miller

What is most important to celebrate today is not that the colonies voted to declare independence, but why.

They declared the axiom that all people are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty and property.

We still don't live up to this when some people are more equal than others under the law.

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Brad comment: "This “freedom charlatanism” is almost a mockery of the spirit of independence held by previous generations. Let's seek to reignite our culture of independence rather than merely celebrate the value it once held."

Brad, you are totally right.

We (humanity) are in this really bad worldwide situation because We The People (human beings in general, as individuals and as a society) either we did not know what was going on, or we did not do enough to prevent it.

So, now is the time to learn, to know, and to do (legally, peacefully, etc.)

The truth shall set us free and there is strength in numbers

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I was in the Marine Corps from 7/74 to 7/78 and see myself as a patriot, but I'm horrified at where I see this country is going, and the many revelations that we are not the compassionate country that we like to see ourselves as. Let the Great Awakening occur.

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Paul, as a US Army retired Major General: I'm sure you are aware of the Lieber Code and Lincoln's EO# 100 still in force as of 2018. The benevolent form of martial law that turned malevolent. That we have removed from Oregon. By implementing ex parte Milligan and eliminating martial law / Lieber Code / FEMA. The US Army assisted the POTUS 44 in his endeavors for 8 years. You saw the Vidman twins. You served with those people. You would / Would you (?) take us back into a different de facto. of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings. Operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published at www.orsja.org

It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024!! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This is the ARTICLE I Section 1 option we used on Oregon.

This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use www.orsja.org. On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is tickin

This same process is available to the other 32 states and commonwealths that comprise The United States of America in Congress Assembled as the several states. Constitutionally circa 1859. With the 17 Federal de facto Territories. We need to establish our de jure, original jurisdiction, as the law form as juxtaposed to the de facto currently existing and another form proposed, incorporated, color of law, form. Such as the example: the City of Portland is a subdivision of the County of Multnomah is a subdivision of the State of Oregon is a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings. That is not Article IV Section 3 as in a Constitutional republican form of government.

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Wish we had similar recourse in the UK

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It is mindset. You folks have a Monarch and a cast system, Naughty boys like Mick buy a Knighthood. Aussies give their guns to their Monarch's government. Then fold in the Canadians and the KIWI, You folks are one revolution behind. I'll pay attention when you catch up.

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In theory, in the same way your constitution allows removal of an unjust government, we have Magna Carta Chapter 61 of King John's Magna Carta stipulates that twenty-five barons should be selected to ensure that the king upholds all of the provisions of the charter. When the king is in violation, the barons have the authority to seize the king's properties by military force—or “distrain” him—until he complies. Yeah right!

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Read de facto completely in Black's Law 6th ed page 416.

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Had a PDF of snow early Black's but not sure which one

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