Well done Brad and the team

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Congratulations on the interview and thank you for your continued service to your country, albeit it in a new form. You are doing God's work.

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Thank you so much, Lisa!

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Thank you for standing up against this evil COVERT Cross-Generational Transmission of Attachment Trauma Pathogen, "the most dangerous pathology on the planet", which we are ALL FALLIBLE and has PERSECUTED and MURDERED more innocent people than anything else on the planet, which Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to warn us and teach us and our Founding Fathers of the United States tried to protect "we the people" with our Constitutional GOD given RIGHTS and FREEDOMS!

My ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War and is turning in his grave with the lack of courage of people taking a stand as Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to teach us and warn us is required to hold accountable today's modern-day Scribes and Pharisees who are ABUSING "we the people's" power and control against "we the people"!

It is impossible to have a constructive conversation with DELUSIONAL human brains, which are AGAIN significantly neurologically compromised by another MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS, as DELUSIONS are "fixed false beliefs that are MAINTAINED CONTRARY to EVIDENCE"!

History has PROVEN time and time again that are ONLY options to fight back against such a widespread MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS is Jesus Christ or another Revolutionary or Civil WAR.

In 2012 it was scientifically predicted and published that the PATHOLOGICAL judicial behavior of our Family Courts, creating the most severe Attachment Trauma within our vulnerable children and families for decades may compromise our Western cultural, which has been proven TRUE, with today's CANCEL CULTURE, WOKE CULTURE, CRITICAL RACE THEORY CULTURE, DIVERSITY EQUITY and INCLUSION CULTURE.

The Attachment System is the neurological networks within every human brain that "governs ALL LOVE and BONDING throughout our life spans, including Grief and Loss". With widespread mis-wired Attachment Neurologically Networks, our culture is focused on HATE, rather than LOVING our neighbors and even our enemies.

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Thanks for your note of support.

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Outstanding interview Brad!

I wish the rest wasn’t behind a TCN paywall

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I admire your stand. As a US Army retired officer, Circa 1963-1983, I witnessed, and suffered discrimination due to my consistent conservative posture. At the time when I served, I was puzzled by the idea that some, not many, officers could subscribed to leftist, Democrat, views. It seems that they were more numerous, or persistent than I. I was punished for questioning the appointment of a clearly leftist person as an ambassador to an Eastern European post. I got slapped down by a general officer, and never saw another promotion from my O4 rank, and in fact almost got cashiered myself if not for a fluke of congressional interference. I was not in service when the great "JAB" was mandated. I actually took the Jab up thru a "booster", which damn near kilned me. So, I am not a fan of these shots. And I applaud those who refused and were kicked out. I would like to dispute Tucker's statement that military leaders gave up the fight in Vietnam. It was those cheap politicians in congress that cut off the supplies of ammo and food to the ARVN which caused the mass retreat. They had NO choice. It's not US troops who are suffering today, but those Ukrainians who have been bravely standing up to the Russian invasion. Seems that the congressmen do not understand the gravity of the fight. Yes, we need to get our own border problems under control, and Democrat's hold hostage the whole idea. I blame not the Republicans' who want to defend out own borders. I blame the Democrats who hold the whole thing hostage. But keep up the fight for justice for the dismissed military who refused the jab for religious or other valid reasons.

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Thanks for your comment and I hope your health can recover from the shots.

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Great sentiment but you clearly still have scales over your eyes regarding Vietnam and Ukraine. Pearl Harbour was allowed to happen like the sinking of the Lusitania. All wars are Bankers Wars. Assange in jail for embarrassing the US with the helicopter gunship massacre footage. You need to realise USA Inc and UĶ where I am from are the bad guys and "Democracy" is about protecting the corrupt global corporate hegemony, NOT ordinary people. Once you have been chewed up, served your purpose and been spat out, you are redundant. How many vets in tents are there? Thank you for your service.

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Good comment.

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