The United States military is currently engaged in a frontal assault against its own service members, the Constitution, and the country.
This attack on us isn’t limited to actions by the military. It’s being conducted by the U.S. government, of which the military is only a part. However, it’s important that we understand the Department of Defense’s specific role in what is currently being perpetrated against us. After all, they’re the ones charged with defending the country. They’re also the ones with all the sophisticated weaponry. I am personally concerned with the military’s role in this chaos because of the nineteen years that I spent in uniform. I know what it means to take an oath to the Constitution.
Let me emphatically state what I sincerely believe is happening. Our own military is engaged in treason.
That in no way means that every service member is committing treason. Far from it. However, I do believe that the senior DOD leadership is knowingly and deliberately committing treason.
That’s a bold statement. I’m fully aware of how controversial it is. It’s also obviously my opinion though I feel it’s well established for those willing to accept the truth at face value.
I have stated my opinion multiple times in interviews conducted over the last few months that our military leaders are currently engaged in treason. I stand by those assertions. While they certainly constitute my beliefs as to what is going on, I believe there is ample prima facie evidence to convince any reasonable person that the claim at least merits further investigation. Sadly, too few seem to care enough about the fate of the country to look into the matter.
The problem is that when it comes to the average American, we're no longer dealing with “reasonable” people but rather individuals who have abdicated much of their critical thinking capability. I’ve written before about the full-scale worldview warfare that has been waged on us for a very long time. This massive wave of enduring psychological attacks has severely impacted the ability of many of our citizens to clearly observe the world around them.
Let me explain what exactly I mean when I boldly state that I think our own military, one that I served in for nineteen years, is led by officers engaged in treason and cowardice.
We generally understand treason to be fighting against one’s own country. If we look up the common definition in a dictionary, we’ll see two entries that align with how we typically use the term.
“the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.”
“a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.”
Both of these generally accepted definitions apply to the situation in which we find ourselves currently. Over time, our government has been entirely subverted but this overthrow has largely occurred in ways the average citizen fails to fully comprehend (think JFK, 9/11, and the other many events that have destroyed the original construct of the government). As for “allegiance…to one’s state” as mentioned above, it is clear that DOD leadership has no concern for the Constitution or welfare of the country. (As for “allegiance to one’s sovereign,” that is harder to currently classify because I personally think that it’s clear that the overwhelming majority of our presidents have been traitors as well for a long time).
It’s almost as if the senior leadership of DOD is taking orders from someone who wants to see a weaker United States. Could this be China? Potentially. Could it also be some group, network, or cabal that has the ability to exert significant influence over governments around the world? Yes, and I think that latter option is more likely than it being China though I don’t rule out a scenario where both are possible. We live in a world that is extremely murky and where layers upon layers of deception mask the actions of very evil people with a lot of power. I plan to write more about this in due time.
We take our most specific definitions of the term treason from the Constitution. In Art. III, Sec 3, we find treason defined as:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
The Constitution specifically mentions “levying War” and “adhering to their Enemies” as components of the description for treason. It’s interesting that individuals such as Sasha Latypova have exposed DOD’s role in the American covid response which included the use of injections as “countermeasures:”
“DoD, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) contracted for Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines,” as “prototype demonstrations” of ‘large-scale manufacturing.’”
Latypova has stated explicitly that the government executed the covid response as if it were a wartime military operation. The op was conducted as warfare:
“From the start, “covid pandemic” was treated by the US Government as a national security matter (i.e. war) and covid policy was set by the National Security Council (assemblage of Defense and Intelligence heads), not HHS.”
Later in the same piece, Latypova writes:
“They use taxpayers’ money to fund, develop, then “approve”, purchase and deploy prohibited biowarfare agents for killing and injuring their own civilian population, their own armed forces, first responders, healthcare workers, pregnant women and children. To stop this every one of us must start using correct precise language, start calling things what they really are.”
I completely agree. Let’s call them what they are: Traitors. Killers. Maniacs.
Katherine Watt frames the problem succinctly and explicitly here.
Clearly, those who run our military are no longer loyal to their country. Accordingly, they are in full violation of the oath they have taken to the Constitution. The fact that many of them wear the American flag daily on their uniforms and display it in their offices is a total mockery.
Why hasn’t this treason been stopped? Why does it continue to occur?
One of the primary reasons is because so many cowards refuse to stand up against it. Instead, they fall right in line.
The treason that is perpetrated against us by the senior leaders of DOD is further enabled by cowards in command at all levels throughout every service within the military.
It's hard to ascertain the exact demarcation between those within the military that are engaged in open treason and those who are not necessarily involved in direct treason but facilitate it through their complicity.
It's important to note this distinction even if we don't know exactly where the treason ends, and the cowardice begins. When I speak of cowardice, I'm referring to the behavior of those whose actions reside beneath the threshold of treason. They're not the decision makers at the very top of the DOD enterprise directly responsible for the willful and intentional destruction of the military and country. They are those whose lack of courage further enables the treason perpetrated by those at the very top.
In this regard, I direct my criticism most squarely at military commanders. I do this for two reasons. The first is that I was a commander at the time of DOD's covid “vaccine” mandate. Therefore, I know what it means to be a commander in general, and what it meant to be a commander specifically at the time the mandate was implemented. The second reason I focus most directly on commanders is that command posts are the most important positions across the military. We are a commander-driven force. That's a good thing. Commanders bear tremendous responsibility. However, that means that to operate optimally, good commanders are a must. After all, commanders are the ones who execute the orders and policies from higher. They also publish their own orders and policies. Without commanders who are truly loyal to their oath to the Constitution and dedicated to the country, we can't expect the military to maintain the ability to serve the interests of the United States.
The fact that these commanders may be loyal to their superiors means little if their superiors, to include the president, are also treasonous. Serving in uniform does not automatically mean that one is serving the country. What it truly means is that one is serving the government and therefore only serving the country insofar as the government is serving the country. (I've written here about the clear distinction between country and government).
Why are these seemingly good people willing to go along with this treason and unwilling to stand up for what's right? I do think that many good people remain in the military even today. However, many of these “good people” are absolutely acting in a cowardly manner.
Let's be clear. When I openly accuse large numbers of people of acting cowardly, there are two things that need to be remembered. First, we're all cowards at times. None of us can claim to be perfectly brave all the time. Therefore, I'm accusing them of human frailties to which we all have succumbed in life. However, and this brings me to my second point, this doesn't diminish the severity of what's happening. I'm knowingly and deliberately making a weighty accusation because I believe this is what is actually going on within our military. While I fully concede these are my opinions, that alone is not going to keep me from voicing my unambiguous concerns as to the current state of the institution charged with defending our country.
I return to the question I posed above. Why are these “good people” willing to permit themselves to go along with this?
In my view, one reason is that they have been assaulted with the same worldview warfare as the rest of us. Their ability to reason has been severely compromised. Their capacity for discernment has suffered and as a result their behavior has been impacted.
This onslaught of propaganda doesn't absolve them of responsibility. If it did, we couldn't accuse them of cowardice per se.
So how can we reconcile this? How can we acknowledge that these individuals were victims of massive information warfare and yet also declare them to be cowards?
To answer that, let’s perform a quick thought experiment. Let's assume these commanders and other leaders across DOD were perfectly well intentioned when the “vaccine” mandate was announced on August 24, 2021. Let's assume they were true believers in the claim that the “vaccine” was essential to maintain military readiness. Let's assume they bought into all the nonsensical propaganda about how dangerous covid supposedly was. Let's assume they truly believed it represented a real threat to military readiness and therefore national security. Let's assume we can grant them the benefit of this extreme naivete so as to explain how they might have acted without malicious intent (I've written about potential misapplications of Hanlon's Razor before).
Continuing with our thought experiment above, we arrive at a rather unsavory conclusion. Attributing this extreme degree of naivete to our leaders presupposes another monumental problem. This would mean that our leaders, in whom the American taxpayers have invested the funding for years of education and training, are so strategically blind that they lack the ability to appropriately determine the true threats to our country. They are incapable of thinking in the complexity required to survey their environment, contemplate the network of interrelated variables, and make a suitable assessment of which actions to take. In other words, our training and education have failed to produce leaders with the requisite levels of cognition, creativity, and insight to perform their jobs.
It leads us to a binary construct that we can call the “intellect/integrity problem.” Either our leaders lack the intellect to see what is happening or they lack the integrity to resist. Either deficiency disqualifies them entirely for their posts.
But let’s return to the hypothetical case I entertained above. While we might view others as charitably as possible and attribute their actions to naivete back in August 2021, it would be hard to claim that same level of ignorance more than nineteen months later. Too much information has come out since then that equates to huge question marks and red flags. Any officer of reasonable intelligence and integrity (see my binary “problem” above) must feel uneasy about what has been going on. They must now be questioning DOD’s actions even if they were true believers in the policy a year and a half ago.
Here’s what I think is happening. I think we live in a world that is very confused. These otherwise good people merely take the path of least resistance, which in this case is: listen to the authority figures in whom they (unadvisedly) trust. They’re very confused but this confusion permits them the ability to exist with a certain degree of plausible deniability. They don’t know exactly what is going on and therefore listen to their superiors that they trust (though this trust is ill placed). In the beginning, this adherence to the path of least resistance may have been subconscious; they were largely unaware of it. Therefore, their intent to maintain a certain degree of plausible deniability may have also been largely subconscious. But now, with so much new information available, any military officer with integrity would be exceedingly uncomfortable with what he had potentially been a part of. He would aggressively seek to uncover the truth of what’s actually going on. If he’s unwilling to do that at this juncture because he is afraid of what he might discover, then he’s willfully choosing ignorance because he lacks the courage to seek the truth.
In other words, he’s a coward. He’s exploiting the murky information environment as an excuse to hide in the shadows.
How should we as Americans feel in knowing that the overwhelming majority of our military officers are unwilling to seek the truth to determine if they might be actively working against their own country?
Here’s why this is so dangerous. I was asked in an interview a few months ago if I believed that the military could be used now against the people. To be completely honest, this question voiced a concern that I myself feel.
I answered the question by stating that, at this juncture, I think that it is “possible but not likely.” I explained that I do not feel that we are at the point where the military is going to turn on the American people now, but we’re far closer to that happening than we were three years ago (previous to the covid “op”). And things are continuing to trend in the wrong direction. Could the military turn on the people at some point? Absolutely. Why? Voltaire explains it best.
Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
What has happened the last three years? Many people have surrendered all critical reasoning and have been subjected to such significant mind manipulation that they eventually began to believe absurdities (another term for absurdities is bullshit). They believed utter bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. I can’t be any plainer than that.
They believed that millions of people were at risk of getting sick and dying. People believed that lockdowns were a good idea. People believed that masks work. People believed that multiple shots of unknown substances would keep you healthy because they were “safe and effective.” People believed that when those shots didn’t work, that more shots would be better. People believed that young children were at risk. People believed that remdesivir (aka poison) was necessary. People believed that their governments cared about them. People believed that their doctors were omniscient and therefore incapable of giving bad medical advice. People believed that Big Pharma was a savior. People believed the unvaxxed were akin to lepers or worse.
Every single one of these absurdities listed above was complete and utter bullshit. Did it lead to atrocities? Absolutely. We had people calling for the unvaxxed to die at home. We had the elderly die alone with no family present. People have died (and continue to die) of the effects of the shots. Athletes have dropped on sports fields. Children have died. Babies have died. Economies have been wrecked. Jobs were lost. Families have been torn apart over individuals’ zeal either in support of or against the prevailing narrative.
What does this mean specifically for our military? We had commanders in the ranks who were so easily manipulated that they believed absurdities because, like many others, they lacked the discernment to know what actually represented the true threats to the republic. Rather than resisting those threats and those who perpetrated the threats, they embraced these perpetrators. Further, they exhibited true cowardice in remaining in open opposition to the country once untold reams of information poured out that entirely discredited the official narrative. How can we believe that these officers who have shown no disposition to change their behavior will not be led astray by the next psyop? Do we really think these types of operations are going to end? Of course not. The next stages of this destructive strategy are being set into motion now.
Is it possible that even the “good people” within the military will arrive at a point in which they could turn on the American people? Yes, it's very possible. These individuals have shown that they are highly susceptible to the propaganda campaigns meant to steer their behavior. If they are given a sufficiently plausible “justification” for why the military must act against the people, it is quite reasonable to believe that many will do so. If these officers are given supposed reasons as to why the people constitute a threat, then these weak minded and weak hearted military service members may be confused enough to once again follow the path of least resistance which, once again, will result in them following the dangerous orders of their superiors. Unfortunately, recent history serves as an unequivocal example of how we can’t rely on the integrity or courage of many of these individuals.
Moral courage isn't physical courage. They do both stem from the same roots— courage is courage—but the two aren't the same. It’s possible to have one without the other.
I have friends and former peers who have exhibited great physical courage in the past. I would never denigrate those actions. I have the utmost respect for those who have accomplished great deeds in the face of tremendous physical danger.
Likewise, I hold in the highest regard those who have demonstrated great moral courage in the past. I would never downplay those actions.
But this is the most important fight of our generation by far. There’s no close second. If you are on the wrong side of this fight, when the U.S. faces a truly existential threat, then your current cowardice may overshadow whatever valor you have demonstrated in the past.
I’m not here to make this about me. This isn’t the Brad Miller Show. I’ve never once said that I was a fantastic officer. I’ve never once said that. I’ve only said that I was a good officer. I have said that I had a good career. I’ve never claimed greatness. I made mistakes. I committed errors. I succumbed at times to the same human frailties as others. But in this moment, in this fight, I declare that I have been on the right side. When I willingly left the Army, I did so because of my oath to the Constitution not in spite of it. I chose to align myself with my country rather than a military led by traitors. That’s all I’ve ever said. I’ve never claimed to be more than I am. There are better officers than me that are currently discrediting themselves and all the greatness they had previously achieved because at this crucial moment in our nation’s history, they’ve revealed themselves to be cowards.
Military Service Today
Have we reached the moment in time in which military service is no longer compatible with service to the country? Worse, have we reached a point where military service now equates to de facto opposition to American ideals?
It really depends on how one views the most appropriate way to fight for truth. Fundamentally, this is a question each individual must answer for himself. For those currently serving, or thinking of serving, do you think you can still do so while maintaining your oath?
I’m not here to convince you that you can’t. Perhaps you can.
My own view, and the reason that I resigned when I did, is that I personally arrived at a point where I could no longer reconcile continued service with my oath to the Constitution. I would not have been able to put my uniform on every day and feel like I was serving my country. I would have felt like a fraud each and every day. In my case, according to my views, and the knowledge and beliefs I had about this at the time, I made the decision I felt was best. I don’t regret it and if I had it to do over again, I would make the same decision. I submitted my resignation packet in March of 2022. By that time, I fully believed DOD was engaged in treason. In my mind—and other good people that are on our side have slightly different views—I would have felt that to remain in uniform would be to tacitly support DOD’s actions. It would also have been a decision based on money. At the end of the day, my continued service, desired promotion, and retirement pension would have been about money. My duty to God, my oath to the Constitution, and my loyalty to the country are not for sale. So, I resigned. I’ve written about my personal decision here and will write more in time.
Routinely, I’m asked if I would return to military service. My answer is not usually a definitive “no” but rather a strong “probably not.” In other words, I’m not willing to speak in absolute terms on it just yet, but my conditions for returning are prohibitively unlikely. For me to put the uniform back on, there would have to be enormously sweeping changes across DOD. They would have to involve the removal (and indictment) of many key leaders and the wholesale re-prioritization of objectives. These changes are just not likely to occur. I believe I can do far more at this juncture outside the military than within.
People have differing views on whether or not the military is still salvageable. I believe that it is not, or that the likelihood of it righting itself is nearly zero. However, there are plenty of people I know, and for whom I have great respect, that have chosen to continue the fight from within the military. In this regard, we share many common aims and perhaps have divergent thoughts on how to arrive at those aims. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’m also sympathetic to the idea that without good leaders left within the military, only those with no integrity or courage will remain. That’s a valid concern.
My comments here are not directed at those individuals who remain in uniform but have withstood the treasonous actions of DOD leaders and were persecuted because of their convictions. My comments are directed at the overwhelming majority of commanders and leaders who went right along thereby showcasing just how shallow their oath is. Perhaps in their case money trumps their oath to the Constitution.
Does that mean that the overwhelming majority of officers and noncommissioned officers in the ranks are nothing more than mercenaries?
That’s a scary thought.
I refuse to believe, and I refuse to state that the situation is hopeless. It’s not. However, it is extremely dire, and we serve no one by downplaying how grave it is. It’s also likely to get worse before it gets better.
We need more people to open their eyes to what is going on. We also need currently serving military service members to remember their oath to the Constitution and refuse to turn their back on that oath in the face of adversity. We need to encourage them to speak out against the ongoing destruction of our armed forces. We need them to speak out against unlawful orders. We need them to stand up to their superiors when warranted.
Lastly, and most importantly, stop looking around for someone else to do what you know needs to be done. It seems that whenever times get tough, everyone looks for someone else to fight the battle. Everyone wants to be a hero until some heroic shit needs to get done.
Be that hero that stands in the face of adversity rather than the coward who looks for someone else to be the hero.
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Dang! This was beautifully written. My son is still in, hung in there as an unvaxxed soldier. He will ETS soon. He can't stand with Traitors. Thx for your stance and your bravery to stand against evil.
Thank you for your courage and bravery. This is a well written piece that I intend to share with every friend and family member military and civilian. I almost completely agree with everything. I retired from service 14 years ago but this is so close to my heart. I have been sounding the alarm on this for 3 years but on the larger problems facing our military and our country for what I think had been about 7 years or so now. The whole C0vid scam and the ensuing b10warfare against our people and other free western democracies is just the current chapter in a much larger master plan.