Dang! This was beautifully written. My son is still in, hung in there as an unvaxxed soldier. He will ETS soon. He can't stand with Traitors. Thx for your stance and your bravery to stand against evil.

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I'm sorry to hear about your son's situation but I certainly know how he feels. I commend him for standing strong and congratulate him for his courage.

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Thank you for your courage and bravery. This is a well written piece that I intend to share with every friend and family member military and civilian. I almost completely agree with everything. I retired from service 14 years ago but this is so close to my heart. I have been sounding the alarm on this for 3 years but on the larger problems facing our military and our country for what I think had been about 7 years or so now. The whole C0vid scam and the ensuing b10warfare against our people and other free western democracies is just the current chapter in a much larger master plan.

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Thanks for this comment and I appreciate you intending to share this!

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Bravo, Sir, for your courageous words. Keep up the good fight.

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Essayons Sir

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Great to have you in the substack community. I submitted a UQR when my initial obligation was up when I got wait listed for PT school about 10 years ago because I didn't feel like I could fulfill the oath in my previous branch. I felt like I could as a PT because the problem I was hoping to fix seemed within reach. Change the fitness culture, reduce injuries, improve performance. Now that people are openly and proudly stomping on 1st amendment rights in the name of "readiness" I don't quite know what to make of things. I'm an SME on readiness and I know that staying true to our oaths is integral to readiness, but its like you say. Lack of discernment or cowardice everywhere. These are trying times to be sure.

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Its pretty easy to distinguish where these people who have hijacked our country come from. They all wear the same small black hats. Every president and congressperson bows to their controlling "committees" and many are controlled by their Epstein-esque honey pots, their positions in media and of course via banking and MONEY (which they have the most).

This same thing happens to places everywhere in the world and has been screamed from the mountaintops by people who the accusers call anti-Semites.

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The banking interests are an enormous problem for sure. When you have nearly unlimited resources, it's easy to control others. Some of our country's biggest problems have been the formation of a national bank and then the later creation of the Federal Reserve. Another huge problem we have is people within our government with dual citizenship and not necessarily knowing where their allegiences lie.

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I wonder if people understand which other country provides the dual citizens? Iran? Russia? China?

I contend that these traitors know EXACTLY where their allegiances lie and its not the USA.

Which cult runs the central bank (and basically all fiat, usurious, banking)?

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I was in the Navy( 85-90) as an air traffic controller. I looked back for years with pride and really loved what I did. Now- based on what we know from the last few years- it just saddens me- thinking what I believed was real or serving the country etc… just a mixed bag of emotions.

I have been following you for a while now. All you say I believe is true- when this whole thing began, I started to wake up. Keep posting please! You are brave for speaking up. This is all truly frightening!

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WOW! How did you after having written so eloquently on the treason and cowardice, speak of your own leaving; How do you say the following and not cringe when looking in the mirror, I do not pretend to understand.

"We also need currently serving military service members to remember their oath to the Constitution and refuse to turn their back on that oath in the face of adversity. We need to encourage them to speak out against the ongoing destruction of our armed forces. We need them to speak out against unlawful orders. We need them to stand up to their superiors when warranted.

Lastly, and most importantly, stop looking around for someone else to do what you know needs to be done. It seems that whenever times get tough, everyone looks for someone else to fight the battle. Everyone wants to be a hero until some heroic shit needs to get done."

You condemn yourself and actions or am I missing something?

I agree, but who is to make these issues while in the military. Your resignation, as laudible as it is was the wrong one for the right reasons. My guess is, you do not trust a JAG attorney for your own defense of refusal to take the Jab, or did you alrady take the Jab, and that course of action regretable though it is, the prosecution would have a field day with?

Can't complain if you took it and forced those under you to take it, but you can surely attack it legally that what you were forced to was illegal as hell by both our laws and intenational treaties such as the Hague Convention which our country swore to uphold.

Funny you should bring up that the military might turn on the nation. I seem to remember that Rush mentioned a leaked pole of military personel on that question. Would you follow the orders of a commander even though they were unlawful? The pole was taken during the Clinton Presidency. 60% said they would. That was sad back then and since that time a lot of people joining our military have not grown up with a moral compass. Pretty sure it is higher now. Add in all the illegals who join for citizenship? We are so in deep doo doo.

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Not sure I exactly understand your questions. Are you asking if I'm condemning myself in what I'm writing? I'm not sure what I wrote that would lead you to believe that. No, I'm not condemning my own actions.

Did I take the jab? No. Is that not clear from what I've written?

As for resignation, I left the military because I decided I could no longer justify remaining in service. Others, though of similar mind on the jab, have decided to remain in service and fight from within. That's their choice.

In this piece, the audience of course is those who went along with the mandates. This piece is not directed towards those who were against it but have decided to remain in service. I don't necessarily consider those who remain to have gone along. In fact, many of them fought very hard against the mandates.

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