Each year on 9/11, a common refrain we've heard for the past two decades is: “We will never forget.”
In response to that sentiment, I sometimes ask, “forget what?” How can we “forget” what we as a nation have never fully acknowledged?
I completely agree with the idea that we should not forget what happened on September 11, 2001. I feel the utmost heartache for those who lost their lives or in some other way suffered greatly that day. I don’t want to forget those victims. I also don’t want to forget that we as a nation were attacked and terrorized. However, we do a grand disservice to those victims by pretending that it doesn't matter who the perpetrators were. There are those who think it degrades the sanctity of the remembrance of the day to encourage accountability for the true plotters of the attack (as opposed to the patsies). I disagree, and believe that those who are unwilling to pursue the truth of what happened and demand accountability aren't actually remembering 9/11 itself but are rather remembering a carefully crafted image of 9/11 though this image is itself an inaccurate portrayal of what really transpired.
9/11 did not occur as a one-off event or as some mad anomaly. It actually serves as a point of punctuation along a steady, continual coup that has gradually taken power from the states and the people and consolidated it with the federal government, and in some ways, with the central cabal aiming to control the world (though this “cabal” may not be entirely united and may perhaps consist of various factions- it’s hard to know for sure).
There's been zero justice achieved for the 9/11 attack. In fact, all that has come about from the plot is more injustice, to include the unjust war entirely predicated upon this deliberately engineered event. I’m not here to say that there was no involvement from “Arab terrorists;” I’m merely saying that the part played by so-called “Muslim fundamentalists” was merely one component of a much broader script and that their part was to provide cover for the larger plot.
The state of our country gets worse because as a people we fail to comprehend the truth behind these events and fail to hold anyone accountable.
9/11’s Influence on Me
As I've written before here, 9/11 had a profound impact on me. The event itself completely transformed the latter half of my experience at the Military Academy because everything we were doing suddenly became much more focused on the reality of war that we’d soon be engaged in once we graduated and commissioned into the Army. On September 11, I was only about sixty miles away from what would become known as Ground Zero. I had just started my junior year at West Point, located just up the Hudson River from New York City. As much as anyone else, I was swept up in the patriotic fervor that resulted from the fact that we had all been attacked. I was proud to be at the Academy and in a place where I felt that I was preparing to “do something.”
It also shaped much of my nineteen years of service in the military itself, not just because of my deployments to Afghanistan but also in the general sense that our entire military enterprise was focused on the War on Terror for two decades that closely aligned with the time I was in service.
Another impact occurred a few years later as I realized the deception around September 11. It served as the point of departure for the new trajectory I embarked upon in an effort to better understand the world and my place in it.
I've said before that if you can't understand the 9/11 op, you will never understand the covid op. If you can't conceive of the government murdering its own citizens on September 11, then how can you comprehend the detailed planning that would have to occur to get the world to go along with the more complex covid op? (I believe that on the whole, covid was far more sweeping in scope, had a far more detailed narrative component, involved many more players and organizations, and was obviously much longer in duration and therefore more complex; however, the synchronization that occurred on 9/11 to get pieces to occur nearly concurrently or neatly sequenced all in the span of a few hours was diabolically masterful).
The planning for covid was more complex than 9/11, and yet even 9/11 was more complex than even many “truthers” realize. It was far more than just an “inside job” and its overall significance extends well beyond shocking the public and providing a pretext for what would become known as the “War on Terror.”
As I have detailed before, I woke up to the uncomfortable truth that 9/11 was an inside job during the summer of 2007. From that moment forward, that realization colored the way in which I began to view the world and the interaction of the American government with its own citizens.
It also set me on a still ongoing journey of discovery in a never ending attempt to more accurately understand our reality. I now feel that I have a far more detailed picture of the world than I had even after discovering some of the truth surrounding the events of 9/11. I say some of the truth because even my perspective of the events of that day has greatly changed over the past few years (as my understanding will surely continue to grow). However bad I thought things were upon learning about the U.S. government's role in the slaughter of its own citizens, I now believe that things are actually far worse.
9/11 wasn’t just murder but was more likely ritual murder. Stated another way, it was a deliberately crafted human sacrifice.
9/11 as a Penetrated Operation
To understand that, we have to take a look at another piece often overlooked in analysis of 9/11 by the truther community.
A few years ago I came across Joseph P. Farrell's book on September 11. Already familiar with other books by Farrell, I assumed that this book would be similar to his others. By that, I suspected that Farrell, a supremely multi-disciplinary researcher with a PhD from Oxford University in patristics (the study of the Christian church fathers), would integrate copious amounts of information from various fields into an elaborately synthesized claim. In this regard, I was correct. The book’s title alone would clue the curious, prospective reader into the journey upon which he might embark by opening it: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: the Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations.
In his book he depicts a tri-leveled orchestration of the day's events. In this explanation, he describes the three levels as:
The Arab patsies (providing cover for Level-2).
Rogue elements of the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus (an arm of what we might call the “Deep State”)[1]. This constitutes the “inside job.”
A Fascist International group that “penetrated” the operation executed by Level-2 and constitutes far more than just the inside job of Level-2.
With this explanation, Farrell posits that September 11 is an example of a “[p]enetrated [o]peration” or “an [o]p within an [o]p within an [o]p.”[2] By that he means that the Level-3 operatives inserted themselves into the operation that had been planned and initiated by the Level-2 personnel. This is not the first book in which Farrell discusses the existence of a Fascist International. Several of his previous books give more specific history on this group that spread its tentacles after World War II.[3] As for 9/11, Farrell provides plenty of evidence in this book to put forth the case that when viewed in its entirety, the operation was far more complex than just a plan conceived and executed by rogue military and intelligence planners in D.C. (though perhaps aided by elements from other governments). In other words it was far more than just what was perpetrated as an inside job by those at Level-2. For the complete case Farrell makes, consult his book. Additionally, check out this interview here.
His explanation of the penetrated operation is beyond what I really want to share today. However, it concords with the view of other researchers that what we generally refer to as the Deep State is separate and distinct from the global cabal. At times, this American establishment may work with (or for) the cabal. In the global pecking order the American Deep State officials seem to be subordinate to the cabal's chiefs, whomever they may be. At other times the relationship may be more adversarial. It can be difficult to know when the Deep State is working in its own interests or in orders it receives “from higher” because in either of those cases the actions will likely be against the interests of the American people.
There are also interesting theories as to how exactly the components of 9/11 were carried out in terms of what really happened with the flights and the destruction of the Twin Towers, etc. While these are clearly important, they lie outside the scope of what I want to cover here in this piece.
My main point of focus on this piece is on another element of 9/11.
9/11 as a Dark Ritual
There's another element that Farrell mentions in his book that I want to focus on. That's the idea of 9/11 serving as an occult ritual on a massive scale. While I first encountered this idea from Farrell in his book, he relies heavily on the research of S.K. Bain, author of the superlatively titled The Most Dangerous Book in the World which establishes a case for 9/11 as a “global MegaRitual.”[4] You can also find S.K.Bain discuss his book in this interview here. (I don’t endorse all the ideas mentioned by the interviewer, but the interview is valuable for the ideas presented by Bain).
What does it mean that the attack we call 9/11 was an occult ritual? What exactly is an occult ritual and why would anyone operate that way?
To even understand how evil operates, we must first see how God operates and then realize that evil seeks to invert what God creates.
My personal belief on this matter is that God operates liturgically. That is the way in which God has chosen to design the scheme of worship for his followers to utilize. Within this worship system, symbols are highly important because of the truths they can communicate. Evil operates liturgically as well but this liturgical system is usurped and inverted. Therefore it makes sense that extremely evil people will conduct dark rituals of some sort to either invoke demonic assistance or build dark energy in some way. In so doing, they will utilize symbols as well. I don't pretend to know exactly how all this occurs, but I do believe it's relevant to our reality. Understanding this eerie fact is an integral part of my own worldview. I believe that this is a very real component of the spiritual warfare being waged all around us constantly. This is also why I believe that true Christian prayer, as well as other important rites, can be so effective. These acts can serve to connect one with God. Again, I’m not a theologian and I don’t pretend to understand exactly how all this works. I do believe that our current, being waged daily, is first and foremost a spiritual war and that when we speak of evil in the world, it’s not just a metaphorical explanation for the bad things we witness in life. The depth of the evil present in the world extends far beyond the murders, thefts, and rapes that we hear about on the news. When we read in the Bible that the devil is the “ruler of this world,” I take St. John at his word.[5]
What does this mean with regard to 9/11? It means that those who died that day weren’t just murdered. It’s worse than that. They were part of a large scale human sacrifice.
Bain’s book includes a prologue from researcher Peter Levenda. In this prologue titled “Knock, Knock,” Levenda includes this suggestion: “By choosing to see 9/11 as a ritual on a massive scale, we paradoxically may better be able to understand it, to accommodate it’s [sic] message on a psychological—even spiritual—level.[6]
As S.K. Bain explains, “9/11 wasn't simply a black op; it was that, and more” and goes on to state, “the perpetrators of this massive criminal act not only employed a broad range of sophisticated psychological warfare tactics but, even more disturbingly, incorporated a wide variety of occult symbols and other esoteric elements into multiple levels of the event.”[7] Bain then goes on to explain that the event’s scope “implies the ability to manipulate, to control, on such an enormous scale that it is beyond what most people are prepared to accept. It so strongly conflicts with our perception of reality that we dare not even contemplate it.”[8]. The evidence suggests that we must view “9/11 as an ultra-powerful mind-control and propaganda weapon—a psychological warfare tool of enormous proportions—infused with techno-sorcery and deep-level occult programming. 9/11 was a global MegaRitual…”[9]
I've discussed the psychological implications of worldview warfare before here. My view is that 9/11 is a clear example of the occult nature of the war we're involved in.
Twilight Language
I apologize for some of the back-and-forth referencing here but the intertextuality is important. Farrell relies on Bain’s research. Bain relies on some of the analysis put forth by researcher Michael Hoffman in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. In turn, Hoffman, in his later book Twilight Language, references Bain’s reliance on his (Hoffman’s) earlier work. In Twilight Language, Hoffman offers commentary on Bain’s claims of 9/11 as a mass ritual. Hoffman states up front that although he doesn’t necessarily “share all of the premises of Mr. Bain’s metaphysical teleology,” he appreciates that Bain relied on, and credited his work.[10] He then acknowledges that Bain “for the most part…backs up his assertions with considerable evidence…”[11]
Hoffman’s later book takes its title from the idea that various types of symbolism are used by the “Cryptocracy” (his term for the cabal that orchestrates these events) to speak to us on a subconscious level: “Twilight language is a form of communication that eludes most people’s conscious perception, though it is of course perceived by the subconscious.”[12] This occult messaging is not intended to be widely understood because so few will comprehend, at least consciously, “the language which speaks in ways that are non-linear to most minds.”[13] Hoffman further explains, “Twilight language moves the interior world into the exterior…The subconscious, which is the supreme memory theater above all, is by Twilight Language propelled outside, into the external world, to explosive effect…”[14]
Current Status of America?
I included the question mark with the title of this section because I am not certain that I entirely agree with the assessment Hoffman gives at the opening of Twilight Language on where we are currently as a society. I am, however, not exactly sure I disagree either. I concur with his general idea that our current status is dire and that we are clearly in the clutches of evil people. Regardless, I believe in fighting and I believe that we must do everything we can to resist evil and that means we must recognize it in all its forms. God wins in the end, and if we side with God, we win. Maybe that’s on this side or the other side. In any case, Hoffman’s prologue begins:
“This book is not a how-to manual to prevent being alchemically processed by the Cryptocracy. One cannot prevent a disease that has already metastasized. Neither is it a “wakeup call.” Since the Gateway Year 2001, the majority of Americans have been processed as initiates. They are ‘Mason on sight,’ i.e. members of the secret society without knowing it.
“A ‘wakeup call’ presupposes that people are asleep. They are only partly so. In their waking stages they intuit that the Cryptocracy in the United States engages in human sacrifice and occult process. This thrills them and they keenly anticipate more thrills.
“At this stage in history, America is a carnival-sideshow thrilldome and ‘We the People’ vie for a front row seat. Eternal salvation, the pursuit of truth and freedom—all that takes a back seat, despite the rhetoric.
“The alchemical processing of humanity is ahead of schedule. People are becoming less human and far more numb and easily misdirected, as the Reign of Dead Matter appears on the horizon.
“Reality, facts and truth are dispensable in the high echelons of the Cryptocracy. Sorcery entails a calculus in which reality, facts and truth are whatever the sorcerer declares them to be.”[15]
S.K. Bain, whether in large part if not entirely, shares Hoffman’s view of how extensively the overlords have consolidated their power. He begins his book by declaring, “It is my sincerest hope that this book will help bring the true perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, but after researching and writing this material I no longer believe that doing so is a viable possibility.”[16] After that somber note, Bain continues, “The best we can hope for is to expose and resist…”[17]
Examples of the Symbolism Used in the Dark Ritual
Giving a full description of the symbolism used by the plotters on September 11 to carry out their ritual is far beyond the scope of this piece. What I hope to do is perhaps get people to think of the event in a new way and open their minds to the fact that the rituals that occurred on 9/11 were nothing new. Michael Hoffman has written in both of his aforementioned books about how other murders were also deliberately performed as rituals.[18] Citing Manly P. Hall’s The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Bain includes a passage about ceremonial magic, “Ceremonial magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulae.”[19]
The most obvious use of symbolism would be the numerology surrounding the numerals of the date of the attack. Bain reminds us that C.G. Jung taught that numbers “are products of the unconscious.”[20]. Borrowing from William Wynn Westcott, Bain instructs us that the number 11 “seems to have been the type of a number with an evil reputation among all peoples” and “is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect.”[21] The numeral 11, in written form, could also be seen to graphically depict the Twin Towers themselves.[22] In fact, Aleister Crowley, “the wickedest man in the world” as he is often called, referred to the number 11 as “the number of Magick itself” and even considered it to be a number that represented himself.[23]
The next most obvious example of symbolism is the first major target, that of the Twin Towers themselves. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Freemasonry will recognize in the towers the representation of the pillars of Jachin and Boaz.[24] Aside from this Freemasonic symbolism, the Twin Towers also represented the Pillars of Hermes. This is an important symbol since Hermes was known as the god of trade and commerce and also of doorways. Both of those roles feature prominently in the towers’ creation, the former (trade and commerce) more exoterically and the latter (doorways) more esoterically. Bain asserts that the destruction of the towers was a clear and deliberate “opening of a metaphysical doorway.”[25] Beyond their symbolism within Freemasonic and ancient Greek traditions, the towers’ significance doesn’t end there. They also became altars, massive sacrificial altars, for sacrifice by fire.”[26]
Even some of those who readily acknowledge the significance of the day may not immediately recognize the significance of the event playing out in the year 2001. Aside from driving home the point that the op was perhaps planned well in advance, this fact also demonstrates how much attention is paid to these details. Michael Hoffman, in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare draws our attention to the importance of the year 2001 by illustrating the significance of Stanley Kubrick’s iconic 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was based on the short story by Arthur C. Clarke. To Hoffman, it is no coincidence that the movie takes place in 2001. The monolith prominently featured in the film either symbolizes or perhaps even shepherds the movement of man through evolutionary stages. What would the year 2001 represent for man? Would man enter a new stage of “evolution?” Hoffman states, “In relation to the end of one millennium and the beginning of the new one we see the familiar outline of anti-climax and climax.”[27] He then mentions the Y2K catastrophe that never materialized (anti-climax) and goes on to state “that 2001 would serve as the climax entry point for the epoch of human alchemy…since 2001 is the actual Year One of the ‘new millennium.’”[28]
There is plenty of other numerology at play as well, particularly when we look at the flight numbers and other facts, but these examples will suffice for my purposes here.
Another use of key symbolism involves a little known fact. Many Americans remember that President George Bush was in Florida at a school in a classroom with a group of young students that day. What many Americans do not know is that the children were reciting a book titled The Pet Goat.[29] On the surface, the book appears to be nothing more than a fun story that might interest children. The plot involves a girl and her pet goat dealing with the actions of a domineering father; the eventual hero of the story is the goat. According to Bain, what may appear on the surface to be a story for kids serves as an analogy for the key Luciferian narrative and as a “strategically employed device,” is implemented to invoke this narrative into the overall plot of the operation.[30]. The Luciferian depiction of God is as a tyrant that lords over humanity whereas Lucifer aims to overthrow God and thus free man.[31] One might note the Promethean aspect of this understanding- in the Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the gods to aid man. Bain also draws attention to the way in which the reading of the story was performed. Bush listened to the children read in unison. As Bain tells us, “the Direct Instruction method was utilized. The teacher pounded out the syllables with a pen on her book and read in unison with the children, the overall effect being not unlike the ritualistic chanting of a religious ceremony.”[32] For greater context, you can find a Youtube video of the event here. The fact that this apparent ritual involved children makes it all the more chilling.
It was just before the recitation of the story that President Bush was informed by Chief of Staff Andrew Card that “A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack.”[33] Bush didn’t move. Some would later criticize this apparent inaction and others would praise the poise, resolve, and leadership demonstrated in the initial moments of this sobering realization. Bain takes another perspective. If this was indeed a ritual, then Bush was not about to either interrupt or truncate this essential invocation at the outset of the plot.[34]
These are only a few examples of many usages of dark symbolism used on September 11. I realize I can only scratch the surface here, but my aim is to help others see that this type of event serve as “a highly symbolic, ritual working broadcast to millions of people, a Satanic inversion; a Black mass, where the ‘pews’ are filled by the entire nation and through which humanity is brutalized and debased.”[35]
Another reason Bain’s book is valuable is the inclusion of a work of “predictive fiction” included as part of the book after he presents his main argument. This predictive fiction serves to offer a methodology for how one might plot, from an occult perspective, a massive attack and incorporate all the symbolic accoutrements that the plotters would deem essential. This acts as a type of “red team” activity that permits us to see the ways in which the enemies of humanity perpetrate evil against us in the most sinister and demonic ways possible.
My objective with this piece has not been to give a comprehensive treatment of this expansive topic. I have only meant to give enough information to perhaps generate questions in the minds of those who read this. I am not even asserting that I personally agree with every claim presented by the authors mentioned here though I generally agree with the main thrusts of their arguments and find much of the argumentation convincing enough for due consideration. I understand that many others will immediately dismiss this material. To those, I would urge caution. After all, twilight language is not supposed to be understood by the conscious mind. This imagery and occult symbolism is not going to be seen in a coherent way by the majority of people. It’s not intended to be.
As for Bain’s case as he presents it in his book, I have merely highlighted a few examples that I rounded out with information from other authors. Even if you feel that Bain may have connected dots that either weren’t there or shouldn’t be connected, does that mean that all his dots or the connections between all dots are wrong? Research in this field must be properly contextualized. Bain is not presenting an argument that should invite the scrutiny of a legal case (this does not mean that no scrutiny is welcome). This is a murky field in which argumentation is often built on some conjecture. That’s to be understood and is often admitted up front by authors in presenting their material- they often clearly articulate where they are speculating. For example, Joseph P. Farrell is extremely open about when he is speculating in his presentations.
My aim here is to urge the open-minded person, who can see that clearly our world operates differently than we’re told, to consider the eerie possibility that evil people are conducting dark rituals in their attempts to consolidate their power and control over us to. To me, acknowledging that we’re in a spiritual war is to understand this terrifying part of it.
Good thing we can have God on our side. Evil does not and cannot fight God directly. It only fights us. Those whom Hoffman refers to as the Cryptocracy are in open war against us. They are those whom Farrell asserts consist of Level-3 planners/executors on 9/11.[36] They are extremely evil and we must be aware of that fact.
In conclusion, I agree that we should “never forget” what transpired on September 11, 2001. And yet, to duly remember we must be honest about what happened and then seek justice.
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Notes & Citations:
[1]. The “Deep State” has become a term that virtually all Americans are now familiar with, even if they can’t exactly define what it implies. Usage of the term can sometimes be problematic because its connotation is broad and an exact conveyance often depends on the context provided by the user. The term’s origin has been attributed to various individuals. An interesting history of its use can be found here.
[2]. Joseph P. Farrell, Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: the Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2016), 139, 142. Farrell also mentions (pg 142) the curious “statements of Dr. Tatyana Koryagana, the Russian economist and rumored member of President Putin’s then-inner circle, also testified to the existence of a global rogue network…” that possessed “a financial war chest of approximately $300 trillion.”
[3]. To understand more of Farrell’s explanations and assertions regarding the Fascist International (he also uses the term Nazi International) that grew from the postwar dispersion of senior Nazi officials, administrators, and scientists via their own escape or through Allied integration as in Operation Paperclip or the Soviet equivalent, see his Nazi International: The Nazis’ Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics, and Space (2008) and his The Third Way: The Nazi International, the European Union, and Corporate Fascism (2015), both from Adventures Unlimited Press.
[4]. S.K. Bain, The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2012), 7.
[5]. John 12:31; see also John 14:30, 16:11.
[6]. Peter Levenda, “Knock, Knock,” in S.K. Bain, The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2012), viii.
[7]. S.K. Bain, The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2012), 7.
[8]. Ibid., 7. This also calls to mind the quotation from J. Edgar Hoover, included in the August 1956 edition of The Elks Magazine. Hoover, referring to communism specifically, but the lesson can be applied here (especially when we understand that those controlling communism are the same ones controlling these events): “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
[9]. Ibid., 7.
[10]. Michael Hoffman, Twilight Language (Coeur d’Alene, ID: Independent History and Research, 2021), 235.
[11]. Ibid., 236.
[12]. Ibid., 65.
[13]. Ibid., 65.
[14]. Ibid., 70.
[15]. Ibid., 27.
[16]. S.K. Bain, The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2012), xiv.
[17]. Ibid., xiv.
[18]. Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (Coeur d’Alene, ID: Independent History and Research, 1999. Sixth edition, 2009). This book covers the Jack the Ripper murders (pg 57-61) and the Son of Sam murders (pg 61-65) as specifically orchestrated rituals. Of particular note is the assassination of JFK, which Hoffman describes as a Masonic “Killing of the King” ritual (pg 83-87). Twilight Language also covers the JFK assassination in great depth (pg 175-234).
[19]. S.K. Bain, The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2012), 18.
[20]. Ibid., 19.
[21]. Ibid., 21
[22]. Ibid., 21.
[23]. Ibid., 23. When used in this way to refer to the dark or occult usage of magic, the word often is written as “magick.”
[24]. Ibid., 23
[25]. Ibid., 22-3.
[26]. Ibid., 23.
[27]. Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (Coeur d’Alene, ID: Independent History and Research, 1999. Sixth edition, 2009), 13.
[28]. Ibid., 13-4. “Y2K,” an abbreviation for “Year 2000” was the name given to the idea that all the digital systems would crash at the outset of the new millennium, leading to chaos.
[29]. Ibid., 29.
[30]. Ibid., 32.
[31]. Ibid., 32-3.
[32]. Ibid., 33.
[33]. Ibid., 29
[34]. Ibid., 29, 33-4.
[35]. Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (Coeur d’Alene, ID: Independent History and Research, 1999. Sixth edition, 2009), 67.
[36]. Joseph P. Farrell, Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: the Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2016), 245.
The inversion of reality is going to get a lot worse, moving forward. Attempts at subverting and controlling language are at the core of the Great Deception for the Great Reset, which is a tried and true method that have worked in Russia (USSR), China (current gov), North Korea (current gov) and (now) the US.
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Physical acts are taking place, but the center, the gyre, of the struggle has a deep root in the spiritual.
This is echoed in other traditions, namely adepts, psychics and those gifted that have observed the struggle against spirit. Rudolph Steiner, founder of biodynamic farming, anthroposophic medicine, Waldorf schools and a scholar, was such a clairvoyant. He wrote that he had seen a future in which:
" In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit. To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccine against this disease or disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles."
I appreciated the way you broken down the worldview warfare here. Your writing reminded me of a President Kennedy quote:
“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings...Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe...no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” (President John F. Kennedy, 1961)
Source: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/secret-societies