The fastest way to lose a war is to realize too late that you’re in one.
Regardless of whether or not we acknowledge that we’re at war, our enemies have acknowledged that they are at war with us. They’ve been waging war against us for a long time but have recently ramped up the tempo and scope of their operations.
Who exactly is this enemy?
China? Russia? Iran? North Korea?
Not necessarily. While I do believe there exists some significant competition between these rivals and our country, I don’t think that they are our true enemies. I think the conflict between these nations and ours is engineered to a large degree by a more powerful enemy that has the power and influence to control much of the world and fabricate conflicts around the globe.
This true enemy has infiltrated much of our own government. Yesterday I released a piece I had written about the operations that our own Department of Defense have perpetrated against us. In a real sense, our own government has declared war against us.
The question is, at whose behest has our government turned against us? This is a complex topic and one that I have tried to uncover for more than a decade and a half and still only partially understand due to the layers of deception and secrecy in place to mask the true nature of how the world works.
I don’t pretend to understand it fully. However, it is evident that our world is run by these networks of very powerful people that I alluded to above. These groups clearly possess tremendous resources and assets at their disposal. These networks have truly evil designs in place for the way in which they desire to control humanity. This network, in turn, answers to he who is called the “prince” or “ruler of this world” depending on the version of Bible you consult. God has granted the Evil One temporary dominion here. Why should we be surprised that there is supreme evil in the world? In fact, there’s likely far more evil than we realize because so much of it occurs in the shadows and is therefore occulted from our view.
This is a spiritual war.
This isn’t merely a war that has a spiritual dimension. It’s more transcendental than that. It’s fundamentally a spiritual war. The fact that it may manifest itself in other modalities (physical, political, social, economic) doesn’t change the fact that its core is entirely spiritual. That means that at its most basic level, it can and must be understood as a war between good and evil.
This basic understanding is sometimes hard to grasp. We’re often challenged in our ability to see things as they really are. We’re inundated with propaganda, manipulative information, and falsehoods to cloud our perceptions and judgment. Another result of this psychological manipulation is that many people pit themselves against truth without realizing the futility in doing so.
It’s extremely important to acknowledge the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. Denying the extreme gravity of the situation doesn’t diminish its impact. It does, however, ensure we’re unprepared to endure the hardships ahead.
That’s part of our current problem. Too few people realize we’re in a war. Therefore, too few people realize there are powerful belligerents that have established themselves as our enemies.
Part of the warfare conducted against us is done in such a way as to keep us from realizing that we’re being targeted. This is an attack on our beliefs with the intended effect of reducing our decision-making ability. Failing to realize that this is a spiritual war results in us adopting inappropriate mechanisms for combatting the onslaught against us.
We have to admit to ourselves that there is an enemy that has declared its hatred for us. The enemy is evil. I don’t want to craft some sort of theological treatise here (that I am woefully underqualified to produce), but there is a point we must understand. Salvation is both collective and individual. In defeating Death, Christ made salvation possible for all (collective), but there’s still a significant element of that salvation that depends on us and is therefore individual. In a similar, though entirely inverted way, the “prince of this world” seeks to rob humanity from God both in the collective and in the particular. We all face individual temptation, but there are also ways in which we all, as the collective body of humanity, are attacked by evil. These designs are exceedingly complex and diabolical. The Evil One is not lazy or insincere in the desire to destroy us.
Let’s align ourselves with God and unite with one another against evil. Let’s do what we must to save ourselves, our families, and the next generations. If we stand with God, then we win in the end, whether that’s on this side of death or the other.
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"Salvation is both collective and individual." There are some lazy believers that misinterpret the words of Christ, "it is finished", to declare salvation is already won and we can sit back and simply keep commandments, be of service, and repent for our daily shortcomings. We are at war. That is collective. I observe a need to bolster a message of unity against evil, because the majority appear to sit back, rest on their laurels, and say of our neighbors that 'it sucks to be you'. I agree, we all should individually and collectively work against the evil root cause for war.
Alex Macris at Tree of Woe has a great 3 part series on the work of Julius Evola. I mention this here because Evola makes a compelling case that if we are to win this war, then conceiving of it as an inherently spiritual conflict between good and evil isn't only useful, but absolutely necessary if we're to have any hope of success. I'm inclined to agree. https://treeofwoe.substack.com/p/nerd-among-the-ruins-part-i