Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brad Miller

Your integrity is inspiring. The situation worrying. I do not buy the Q White / Black Hat nonsense but what you have laid out is a cautionary tale akin to why Hippocratic Oath and Nuremberg negation by the majority of Health Professionals that has occurred. Also why Teachers fall in line with CRT and LGBTQ+ indoctrination. Humanity / Society is screwed. We save ourselves or resign ourselves to untainted death striving to stay true to what our Maker and his Son indicated. We have a few like Spartacus but most are Truman show participants.

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Yeah I don't really buy into Q either. I wrote about that in my Deception piece.


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I'll not share some others' beliefs that the entire world is literally on fire. I just can't share their strange apocalyptic dreams. "Significant strategic threat" is closer to truth than "game over". We have a big problem, not a death rattle. An existential threat (or perceived one, anyway) would probably get most people back to caring about actual combat readiness. We've seen similar jackassery between most major conflicts, unfortunately. The danger of peacetime is a decline in appropriate prioritization.

Instead of catastrophizing I'll say that I agree with you. My confidence in senior command and all in-between is somewhere around going or gone. As for your article, it is balanced and well written for laymen and professionals alike. I would have been honored to command under your guidon instead of what I got, if my non-tab-having-ass can say such things.

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Thanks for your comments. I appreciate your words. We've got plenty of ways to still serve.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Brad Miller

Brad, great interview on Howse live. Love to have you on Heartland Liberty TV. We are based out of Nashville and stream live 8-9pm Wednesdays. Contact me at Scott@heartlandliberty.com You can find the show on Rumble.com/user/heartlandlibertyproductions

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Scott, thank you. I just sent you an email.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Brad Miller

Great interview with Brannon Howse. We must get the word out. Huge thanks to warriors like Brad and Ivan Raiklin that are staying in the fight. As an old vet, you men give me hope that our country has a future. We are getting ready to see the cost of freedom. I pray I’m wrong.

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Thanks for your comment. I appreciate you tuning in for that interview. I enjoyed talking with Brannon and hope to do so again soon.

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As soon as Gerras and Wong published Lying to Ourselves and the Army collectively shrugged and said "cool story bro" this was only a matter of time. The structural problems can't be fixed through force of will. The fate of the DoD is fixed to that of all institutions subsumed by the globohomo born. We're in the midst of an inexorable cascade failure. Working as if the institution isn't in terminal decline is pure LARPing. There is nevertheless still productive work to be had, or so I tell myself.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

That is why I referred to DoD’s mandate, itself built on collusion with Pfizer and the FDA, as “medical fraud” in my reasoning above. It was this ongoing commission of a crime that I believed was, at least at the highest levels of DoD, open, intentional, and deliberate.


They created 650 billionaires in March-2020 when Trump cut the first round of Covid-War checks at $12 Trillions USD; 650Billion is just a slice of the $12 Trillion; Of these 650 around 120 country's each had four top leader paid-off to dance to the COVID music, which included mandating lockdowns, and the mRNA jab; ( mrRNA only deployed in West on UK commonwealth countrys, Russia&China developed their own dual-vector vax made from dead sars-cov cells )

One can only imagine how many Generals in the US-MIL also got the Billion USD "Foundation" package?

Big-Pharma alone got $2 Trillion USD of the $12T package, so they themselves could have bought off Generals;


Most obvious problem with COVID & the military here is the sar-cov deployment in Summer of 2019 and signed off by TRUMP was always a MIL OP to destroy China&Russia economys;

The cover for the crime is that the US-GOV had to appear to be a victim, so all the USA service members too had to be vaccinated; In order to that USA could pose as a 'victim' to the COVID Pandemic;

Pandemics & US-MIL killing their own men is not new in 1918 the Spanish-Flu during WW1 more men died of the spanish-flu than shot in the trenches, most deaths are attributed to the flu; The spanish-flu originated on USA mil bases, and was spread by USA railcars and ships; You can read any book on the Spanish-Flu and it well explains how all this transpired;


During the Spanish Flu 500K americans died in the USA, and 50 Million people died abroad; It's called the 'spanish flu' because during the war only spain who was neutral reported on the 'flu' an in USA the subject was vertboten in the press because it was a national security issue; In the military it was verboten because both USA & Germany didn't want the other side to know how many men were dead, and or incapacitated.

The fact is the US-GOV/MIL does kill its own men, an expects them to drop dead on command. That the USA has a long history of callous disregard for USA citizens, and its military.


It's rather apparent that CIA pivoted to China 25 years ago, that today the USA & US-MIL is being destroyed by what used to be called their Enemy.

The fact is the people destroying the USA "Rockefeller Foundation" running the globo-homo operation, are the same people that brought MAO, STALIN, and Hitler to power in 1920's; Rockefeller as an agent, but Rothschild Bank UK as the paymaster.

With the coming collapse of USD, CIA realized +25 years ago they must pivot to a country that's currency will have value;

IMHO MIL pensions in USA will have little meaning once the USD collapses;


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I've also assumed that military pensions might not be around much longer. Imagine selling out to gain your pension and then it not being there shortly after retirement.

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When the USD collapses which will be very soon, all of those 650 bases those boys will be left there to rot

There is a REASON that Biden is dumping the cluster-bombs to Ukraine, they want all inventory in USA to be kaput

The Bolshy agenda forever has been to disarm, and defang the USA; Forever

That includes leaving all the MIL pensioners to die on the streets starving, if you think the VA has fucked you now, just wait until the VA doors are locked and pensioners are beggoing for drugs or service

The MIL pension in the USA is one of the biggest PONZI's that its going down, not only does the MIC hardware not work, but for a long time most of the DOD budget is used to service pensions, its a weight on their shoulders they can't burden, and part of making US-MIL go HOMO, is nobody will listen to their crying of starvation

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