War finds expression in the physical, psychological, neurological, social, and spiritual realms. We are, however, conditioned to conceive of it as a physical thing, with mostly physical characteristics. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In many respects, the battlefield has been laid for decades, centuries. We enter the battlefield, even unknowingly, the day we are born.

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Sad but true. Would we be better off of we knew sooner?

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Yes...attacking in material ways that are known vessels within the human body supporting connection to G*d/higher realms. Blocking access or corrupting pathways to the three "suns" of illumination within the human body. The wireless spiritual network, that connects Earth, plants, animals, humans to the larger galactic plane. Control of frequency, through control of chatter, images, sociocultural climate...all measurable on the meta scale. War strikes a tone-- if it were music, it would be the "Devil's Chord"...dissonant to the harmony of a true connected human. All of this to block the natural evolution of humanity...attempts to change the linear progression of mankind toward higher altruism from positive slope to negative slope -- yes, the genetic component of altruism was identified when the human genome was sequenced (probably wayyy before that). Ultimately, a Dark/light proxy war in the human realm. Reminds me of A Midsummer Night's Dream with gods toying with humans.

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Interesting food for thought, as usual, Brad. I look forward to your next installment. Thank you.

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Thank you!

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Good piece Brad! If we accept what God’s Word says in John 12:31 that the Devil is the ruler of this world, also calling him “the god of this system of things” in 2 Cor 4:4 and many other verses, then how clear it is that these statements are true! The record of human history unquestionably indicates that an unholy wicked force is behind human rulers driving them to deeds of unspeakable dreadfulness & depravity!

However, as his time to rule is now nearly at its end, the apostle Paul’s words to true Christians recorded at Ephesians 6:10-13 are timely where he urges us “to put on the complete suit of armour FROM GOD..” Why? So that we are able to stand firm against “the crafty acts of the Devil, because we have a struggle , NOT AGAINST BLOOD & FLESH, but against the governments, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces .....” (he goes on to describe what this armour from God is in verses 14-18)

So, yes, I agree with this excellent piece you’ve written Brad! I hope you agree we need this ‘spiritual armour’ , which only God can give , more than ever today , because we ARE engaged in a spiritual struggle rather than a physical one, right up until God himself destroys the ruler of this world as promised in his Word (Rev 16:14,16 and other prophecies)

This spiritual ‘warfare’ and how we can become victorious is discussed more fully in many articles on jw.org for any who are interested in the subject You, too, might find a few gems there to use in further writings on Deep War! I would look forward to that. Thanks for your work Brad ..I appreciate it

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In the third paragraph from the bottom you mention greed as a thing that can weaken a man's spiritual resolve; it made me recall a Jordan Peterson lecture in which he off hand mentioned that the 10 Commandments never commanded against Greed, but it did command against Envy. After thinking on that and looking at those around me, I have come to the conclusion myself that greed can be both good (as a motivator to improve and work harder) or bad (leads to immoral or unethical behavior to increase one's material wealth), but either way one must take action to fulfill their greed. But Envy is passive and a mind virus that worms its way through everything without the person having to do anything but observe the world around them. Social Media was the vector through which the Envy mind virus was implanted in the West, especially America, because it has led to the entitlement of especially the Millennial and Zoomer generations. They've become entitled, ungrateful, and envious of anyone's success, and impart shame on those who achieve better outcomes because they worked harder for their success. In this way, Greed could be the counter to Envy. Greed says "there is never enough"; Envy says "you shouldn't have anything unless I have it too, but better."

On another note, Gen Robert Spalding's book "War Without Rules: China's Playbook for Global Domination" modernizes "Unrestricted Warfare" and translates it for the American audience in a more comprehensible way that i would encourage you to read. He was the former US Defense Attache to China and experienced first hand how the Chinese government is attacking us every day.


In many ways you can see China using its financial resources to influence culture in the US (through Hollywood, youtube, TikTok, etc), and they're implanting mind viruses in children while the old people running our country from DC are completely clueless that its happening because they're too old and don't understand life for younger people outside their DC / NOVA bubble.

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"The most vile people on Earth are not atheists. They very much believe in the spiritual realm even if they seek to align with the darkest entities within it." - I must take issue with this, not saying I am or am not one, perhaps in the past.

But if an atheist doesn't believe in the existence of God or gods, then why the assumption they would believe in some sort of spiritual realm with evil entities or the Devil if you will?


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